Tag Archives: Infosmack

Blades vs Rack Mount -a podcast

In June of 2011, I had the pleasure of joining Nigel Poulton, Rick Vanover and Bob Plankers  on the podcast, “InfoSmack Deep Dive” to talk about blade servers versus rack servers.  In the 47 minute discussion we talked over the pros and cons of both types of server platform.  I recently found a copy of the podcast in my Dropbox, so I listened to it and was shocked to hear that many of the same arguments and counter-points we reviewed almost 6 years ago still applies with servers today.  If you are curious as to whether blade servers or rack servers are ideal for you, I encourage you to take some time and listen to this podcast.

Special thanks to:

Nigel Poulton (@NigelPoulton, http://blog.nigelpoulton.com/)

Rick Vanover (@RickVanover, rickvanover.com)

Bob Plankers (@Plankershttps://lonesysadmin.net/)

Podcast download:  https://bladesmadesimple.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/infosmack_deep_dive_podcast_104.mp3

Listen here:

Audio Player

Kevin Houston - Founder, BladesMadeSimple.comKevin Houston is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of BladesMadeSimple.com.  He has 20 years of experience in the x86 server marketplace.  Since 1997 Kevin has worked at several resellers in the Atlanta area, and has a vast array of competitive x86 server knowledge and certifications as well as an in-depth understanding of VMware and Citrix virtualization.  Kevin has worked at Dell EMC as a Server Sales Engineer covering the Global Enterprise market since August 2011 and currently works as a Technical Architect supporting the Central Region.


Disclaimer: The views presented in this blog are personal views and may or may not reflect any of the contributors’ employer’s positions. Furthermore, the content is not reviewed, approved or published by any employer.



Rack Servers vs Blade Servers – Which is Best?

rackserversVSbladeserversSince the dawn of mankind (or more realistically, the early 2000’s) people have debated whether blade servers or rack servers were best for their datacenter environment.   It may surprise you that I personally don’t believe that blade servers fit everywhere.  In fact, if you aren’t running out of power/cooling, you don’t have space constraints, you need a lot of local I/O expansion or you don’t have management issues with your physical server environment, you may be better off with rack servers.  That being said, there are a lot of benefits to a blade server design as well.

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