Tag Archives: Intel

Available 4th Gen Intel Xeon CPUs by Blade Server Vendor

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything new.  This is partly because blade server news has practically diminished; or I’m just getting really bad at finding “blog-worthy” content.  Either way, in this post, I thought it would be helpful to take to post a comparison of CPUs by blade server vendor. Continue reading

Intel Announces End of Optane Memory But There’s More to the Story

I woke up today with a nice blog post from Tom’s Hardware titled, “Intel Kills Optane Memory Business Entirely“.  While this may not e a surprise to some, it sure jolted me.  As I started to look into this, there’s more to this story. Continue reading

Are Multi-Node Systems a Better Option Than Blade Servers?

Lately I’ve been having discussions around “futures” with customers and one topic continues to be over ongoing interest.  What will blade servers look like with the expectations of CPU TDPs continuing to increase?  Looking into the future, it’s very clear that CPUs are going to create an obstacle for blade server users.  TDPs are going to grow to the point where “air cooling” may not be sufficient for all workloads.  This will force blade server users to make a choice.  Continue reading

Intel Officially Announces 3rd Generation Xeon SP – “Ice Lake”

Today Intel lifted the embargo and announced the details of “Ice Lake” – the 3rd generation of Xeon SP CPUs.  This new architecture brings new advantages that will enhance blade server performance.  In this blog post I’ll highlight the specifics of what Ice Lake brings compared to the current generation. Continue reading

A New CPU is Coming – Better Be Prepared

If you haven’t heard, Intel’s coming out with a new CPU architecture this year and it is a bit different than what you are used to.  If you haven’t started re-architecting your plans for future blade servers, now is the time to begin. Continue reading

Blade Server Comparison – August 2019

Below is an updated chart to help guide you to the best blade server for your project.  This version includes Intel DC Persistent Memory (Optane).

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