Intel Announces End of Optane Memory But There’s More to the Story

I woke up today with a nice blog post from Tom’s Hardware titled, “Intel Kills Optane Memory Business Entirely“.  While this may not e a surprise to some, it sure jolted me.  As I started to look into this, there’s more to this story. Continue reading

What Blade Servers Are Certified as VMware vSAN Ready Nodes?

In this day and age, 99% of datacenter environments are virtualized, however a fraction of those environments are using virtualized storage, aka “vSAN”.  I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the full 1000+ page list of VMware vSAN Ready Nodes and deduct all non blade server systems.  In this post, I’ll be highlighting only blade server vSAN Ready Nodes. Continue reading

A Tour of Dell’s Power Calculator (EIPT)


Kevin Houston is the founder of  With over 24 years of experience in the x86 server marketplace Kevin has a vast array of competitive x86 server knowledge and certifications as well as an in-depth understanding of VMware virtualization.  He has worked at Dell Technologies since August 2011 and is a Principal Engineer supporting the East Enterprise Region and is also a CTO Ambassador for the Office of the CTO at Dell Technologies.   #IWork4Dell


Disclaimer: The views presented in this blog are personal views and may or may not reflect any of the contributors’ employer’s positions. Furthermore, the content is not reviewed, approved or published by any employer. No compensation has been provided for any part of this blog.





Are Vendors Getting Out of the Blade Server Market?

I recently was asked, am I seeing server vendors exiting the blade server market?  If so, what are they selling in place of blades?  Honestly, I was surprised by the question.  The only whisper of any exits from the blade market were stirred up last year with the rumors of Cisco exiting.  I address that in this post, but I wanted to see if there was any validity into what was being asked, so I dug around.  I was surprised by what I found. Continue reading

Why Should You Consider Dell’s PowerEdge MX Blade Server?

As an Enterprise sales server technologist for Dell Technologies, one of the questions I get quite often is “why should I consider PowerEdge MX?”  It is a great question especially since all of the top blade server vendor offerings have their advantages.  In this post, I’ll share my thoughts on the top 3 key differentiators the PowerEdge MX blade portfolio has to offer.
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