This week Dell EMC launched a teaser video of the PowerEdge MX. The video’s intent is to act as a “teaser” for more information that will be rolling out over the next few weeks when it will be announced at Dell EMC World Dell Technologies World in late April. Unfortunately I can’t reveal more than the video shows, however if you want to learn more, please reach out to your Dell EMC rep and schedule a meeting. Continue reading
Why You Should Consider Changing Your Memory Architecture
As I mentioned in a previous blog post, the new Intel Xeon SP processor has more cores but it also has more memory channels. This means you should really consider changing the way you architect your blade servers.
Are Blade Servers Dead, or the Future of the DataCenter?
As I talk with customers, I often run into camps who either love blade servers or they absolutely hate them – and will never use them. I even hear some people think blade servers are dying off, but I think that is far from the case. In fact, I believe that blade servers could be the future of the datacenter and here’s why. Continue reading
Blade Server Options for VMware vSAN ReadyNode
Last July I wrote a blog article showcasing the limited options listed on VMware’s vSAN ReadyNode listing. Over the past 14 months, that list has grown so instead of updating that older post, I thought I’d provide a consolidated updated list of vSAN ReadyNode blade servers.
Blade Server Comparison – September 2017
With the recent release of the Intel Xeon SP CPUs, I realized it’s been a year since I’ve updated my blade server comparison chart. Below is an updated chart to help guide you to the best blade server for your project.
Recommended Memory Configurations for Skylake CPUs
The new architecture of the Intel Xeon SP (aka Skylake) CPU includes more memory channels, which is creating some uncertainty on best practices. In today’s post, I’ll show you the best configurations to consider to help drive high memory performance. Continue reading
Cisco Announces New Blade Servers
Cisco announced the UCS B200 M5 and UCS B480 M5 blade servers each supporting the newly announced Intel Xeon Scalable Processor. Below are the highlights of each model. Continue reading
HPE Announces New Blade Servers with Intel Xeon SP Processors
Today HPE released details on their next generation blade servers built on Intel’s Xeon Scalable Processor. Below are the highlights of each model. Continue reading
What You Need to Know About Intel Xeon SP CPUs
Today Intel officially launches the next generation rack, tower and blade server CPU – the Intel Xeon Scalable Processor (SP), formerly known as “Skylake.” Before you invest in this next generation compute, there are a few things you need to know. Continue reading
Lenovo First to Announce Blades with New Intel CPUs
On June 20th, Lenovo released information about their upcoming blade servers built on the upcoming Intel Xeon processor: the two processor ThinkSystem SN550 and the four processor ThinkSystem SN850. Although there doesn’t appear to be any spec sheets yet on the products, there are a few things that can be extracted from the published 3D tour. Continue reading